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2006 Anti-doping case results

Prohibited substance(s) or other violationAthleteSportSanction or result Decision release date ST #
Cannabis Kerry Nathan BoxingWarning and Reprimand 21 Dec 2006 21/06
Cannabis Vince Whare Rugby League Second violation - 2 year period of ineligibility from 5 October 2006 28 Nov 2006 19/06
Cannabis Blake Milner Rugby League 2 month period of ineligibility from 24 November 2006 24 Nov 2006 20/06
Cannabis Mark Dickel Basketball Warning and Reprimand 14 Aug 2006 18/06
Stanozol, Hydrochlorothiazide, Amiloride Sam Mohamad Body Building 2 year period of ineligibility from 2 June 2006 14 Jul 2006 03/06
Cannabis William Morunga Touch 2 year period of ineligibility from 4 July 2006 4 Jul 2006 13/06
Ephedrine Mark Mete Powerlifting3 month period of ineligibility from 22 May 2006 25 May 2006 04/06
Cannabis Lance Abott Softball Warning and Reprimand 8 May 2006 11/06
Cannabis Curtis Ames Softball Warning and Reprimand 8 May 2006 10/06
Cannabis Justin Karaitiana SoftballWarning and Reprimand 28 Apr 2006 12/06
Nandrolone Daryll Tomuli Body Building 2 year period of' ineligibility from 31 October 2005 28 Apr 2006 02/06
Cannabis Aaron Neemia Softball Warning and Reprimand 7 Apr 2006 08/06
Clenbuterol Naera Johnson Body Building 2 year period of ineligibility from 1 March 2006 1 Mar 2006 01/06
Cannabis Nui Bartlett Touch 3 week period of ineligibility until 21 February 2006 31 Jan 2006 15/05
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