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To bring a dispute before the Tribunal a filing fee needs to be paid and must accompany the completed application form.

The fees are:

ProceedingFiling Fee (includes GST)
Application for Anti-Doping Violation proceedingsNil
Application for Provisional Suspension (anti-doping)Nil
Application to Appeal decision denying therapeutic use exemption (anti-doping)Nil
Dispute arising from the application of an integrity code$250 per party
Application to Appeal decision made by disciplinary panel of the Commission of by a disciplinary body that has adopted an integrity code$500
Application to Appeal decision of NSO or NZOC$500
Application to refer Sports-Related Dispute by agreement$250 per party

Filing fees may be paid by internet banking to the following bank account:

Sport and Recreation New Zealand
Westpac 03 0539 0210140 00

Ref: Sports Tribunal – [name of appellant / party referring dispute]

The Sports Tribunal does not accept credit cards.

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