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2009 Anti-doping case results

Prohibited substance(s) or other violationAthlete SportSanction or result Decision release date ST #
Cannabis Greig Dean Rugby League 3 month period of ineligibility from 28 October 2009 8 Dec 2009 12/09
Erythropoietin (EPO) Liza Hunter-Galvan Athletics 2 year period of ineligibility from 29 May 2009
28 Aug 2009 07/09
Cannabis George Playle Touch 6 week period of ineligibility from 22 July 2009 22 Jul 2009 06/09
Cannabis Aaron Neemia Softball 18 month period of ineligibility from 30 March 2009 12 Jun 2009 02/09
Cannabis Steven Manson Softball 2 month period of ineligibility commencing from 30 March 2009
21 May 2009 04/09
Cannabis Thomas Cameron Softball2 month period of ineligibility from 30 March 2009 20 Apr 2009 03/09
Probenecid Tom (Zig Zag) Wallace Boxing Reprimand 5 Mar 2009 15/08
Probenecid Dane Boswell Rowing 2 month period of ineligibility from 11 February 2009 12 Feb 2009 01/09
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