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2011 Anti-doping case results

Prohibited substance(s) or other violationAthlete SportSanction or result Decision release date ST #
Dimethlypentylamine 1-3 also known as Methylhexaneamine Taani Prestney Rugby League 12 month period of ineligibility from 30 September 2011
15 Dec 2011 09/11
JWH-018 [JWH-018 N-(5-Hydroxpentanyl) and JWH-018 N-Pentanoic Acid] (Synthetic Cannabis) Ricky Welsford Wrestling 3 month period of ineligibility from 11 October 2011
25 Nov 2011 10/11
D-Methamphetamine and D-Amphetamine Daniel Ryan Basketball2 year period of ineligibility from 18 August 2011
31 Oct 2011 07/11
CannabisNick Rhind Powerlifting2 year period of ineligibility from 26 July 2011
26 Sep 2011 06/11
CannabisSylvester Seay BasketballAthlete proved no fault or negligence and therefore no sanction imposed 28 Jul 2011 04/11
Dimethlypentylamine 1-3 also known as Methylhexaneamine Blair Jacobs Swimming 12 month period of ineligibility from 14 December 2010 22 Jun 2011 24/10
Canrenone (metabolite of Spironolactone) Anna Bramley Athletics3 month period of ineligibility from 5 May 2011
20 Jun 2011 03/11
Cannabis XYZBasketball 3 month period of ineligibility from 17 April 2011 14 Jun 2011 05/11
Morphine Graham O'Grady Triathlon Athlete proved no fault or negligence and therefore no sanction imposed 21 Mar 2011 01/11
D-Methamphetamine and D-Amphetamine Para Murray Rugby League 2 year period of' ineligibility from 18 November 2010
7 Mar 2011 22/10
Cannabis Joshua Poasa Rugby League 4 month period of ineligibility from 18 November 2010 4 Feb 2011 21/10
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