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2014 Anti-doping case results

Prohibited substance(s) or other violationAthleteSport Sanction or result Decision release date ST #
Attempted use and possession of Anastrozole Darren Reiri Rugby League 2 year period of ineligibility from 1 February 2014 5 Dec 2014 10/14
PrednisoneClaudia Hanham Hockey Reprimand 3 Dec 2014 13/14
Appeal to Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) against Sports Tribunal decision (whereabouts) Kris Gemmell Triathlon CAS allowed appeal and set aside Sports Tribunal decision. 15 month period of ineligibility from 12 February 2014 1 Dec 2014 CAS 2014/A/2
Attempted trafficking in and possession of prohibited substances Daniel Milne Weightlifting 6 year period of ineligibility from 1 January 2014
28 Nov 2014 11/14
Tamoxifen (3-Hydroxy-4-Methoxy-Tamoxifen) Gareth Dawson Basketball12 month period of ineligibility from 15 May 2014
1 Aug 2014 04/14
Whereabouts violation Kris Gemmell TriathlonFinding that anti-doping violation not proven. No sanction 12 Feb 2014 08/13
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