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2016 Anti-doping case results

Prohibited substance(s) or other violation Athlete Sport Sanction or result Decision release date ST #
Participation while banned Karl Murray Cycling Finding that no anti-doping violation was not proven. No sanction
20 Dec 2016 03/16
MethylhexaneamineMendrado Catoto Powerlifting12 month period of ineligibility from 6 August 2016 19 Dec 2016 14/16
Salbutamol Craig Wallace Softball1 month period of ineligibility from 29 June 2016 27 Jul 2016 06/16
Salbutamol Clayton Lewis Football1 month period of ineligibility from 8 July 2016 27 Jul 2016 10/16
Prednisone and Terbutaline Mark Spessot Cycling2 year period of ineligibility from 19 September 2015 23 Mar 2016 15/15
Probenecid Kelsey Kennard Football 6 month period of ineligibility from 22 November 2015 1 Mar 2016 14/15
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