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2017 Anti-doping case results

Prohibited substance(s) or other violationAthleteSport Sanction or result Decision release date ST #
Clenbuterol Christopher Ware Cricket 2 year period of ineligibility from 1 January 2017 22 Dec 2017 09/17
Higenamine Gareth Dawson Basketball4 year period of ineligibility from 31 July 2017 15 Dec 2017 05/17
Appeal to CAS against Sports Tribunal decision Karl Murray Cycling CAS allowed appeal. Set aside Sports Tribunal decision. 2 year sanction imposed 15 Dec 2017 CAS 2017/A/4937
Clenbuterol Lachlan Frear Ice Hockey 2 year period of ineligibility from 1 January 2017 8 Dec 2017 07/17
Clenbuterol Mitchell Frear Ice Hockey 2 year period of ineligibility from 1 January 2017 8 Dec 2017 08/17
Terbutaline Jordan Mills Basketball12 month period of ineligibility from 19 May 2017 8 Nov 2017 06/17
ClenbuterolKarl Murray Cycling Adjourned. For sanction see 2018 results 13 Oct 2017 02/17
Higenamine Michael Butson Rugby League 9 month period of ineligibility from 19 December 2016 3 May 2017 18/16
Nandrolone, Testosterone, Anastrozole, Tamoxifen Adam King Cricket 2 year period of ineligibility from 1 May 2016 3 Apr 2017 19/16
Cannabis Stacey Mikara Rugby League 6 month period of ineligibility from 18 December 2016 17 Feb 2017 16/16
Cannabis Travell Ngatoko Rugby League 6 month period of ineligibility from 3 November 2016 3 Feb 2017 17/16
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