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2019 Anti-doping case results

Prohibited substance(s) or other violationAthlete Sport Sanction or result Decision release date ST #
Tamoxifen Jason Anderson Powerlifting Two year period of ineligibility from 13 May 2019 (the date of the test) 27 Nov 2019 08/19
Significantly elevated levels of androsterone, testosterone and 5βAdiol Lee Marshall CanoeingTwo year period of ineligibility from 16 February 2019 (the date of the test). 27 Sep 2019 07/19
Probenecid Paul Clout Football Two year period of ineligibility from 2 December 2018 (the date of the test) 17 Jul 2019 01/19
Clenbuterol Hinewai Pouwhare-Anderson PowerliftingFour year period of ineligibility imposed from 13 April 2019 (the date of the test) 12 Jul 2019 03/19
11-nor-delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol-9-caboxylic acid (a metabolite of THC) Samuel Hadley Rugby League Seven month period of ineligibility to end on 10 June 2019 25 Feb 2019 17/18
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