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2019 Non anti-doping case results

CaseType of Dispute Result Decision date ST #
Samuel Hadley v Snow Sports New Zealand Appeal against the Respondent's decision not to nominate him to compete at the 2020 Winter Youth Olympics Appeal dismissed 18 Dec 2019 10/19
Central Rugby League Club v Bay of Plenty District Rugby League Appeal against the suspension of the Appellant's committee by the Respondent, its parent body Appeal upheld. Costs of $4,000 awarded against Respondent 25 Oct 2019 02/19
Michael Bias v Cycling New Zealand Appeal against Respondent's decision not to select him for the 2019 BMX World Championships Appeal dismissed 17 Jul 2019 06/19
KL v Table Tennis NZ Appeal against removal from NZ Cadet Team for Oceania Junior Table Tennis Championships Appeal upheld 1 Jul 2019 05/19
KL v Table Tennis New Zealand Appeal against decision of the Respondent to remove the Appellant from a national team Appeal upheld. Costs of $2,000 ordered payable by the Respondent 1 Jul 2019 05/19
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