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2005 Anti-doping case results

Prohibited substance(s) or other violationAthlete Sport Sanction or result Decision release date ST #
Clenbuterol Barbora Jurcanova Body Building 2 year period of ineligibility from 22 May 2005 20 Dec 2005 10/05
Benzylpiperazine (BZP) Tony Ligaliga Body Building 2 year period of ineligibility from 16 July 2005 16 Dec 2005 11/05
Cannabis Wani Roberts Rugby League Warning and Reprimand 28 Nov 2005 13/05
Stanozol, Nandrolone, Furosemide Steven Ward Body Building 2 year period of ineligibility from 7 October 2005 7 Oct 2005 09/05
Cannabis Matiu Soloman Touch 1 month period of ineligibility from 1 November 2005 4 Aug 2005 08/05
Cannabis William Morunga Touch 2 month period of' ineligibility from 1 October 2005 4 Aug 2005 07/05
Terbutaline Amy Mosen Cycling Warning and Reprimand 31 May 2005 06/05
CannabisJade Koro TouchWarning and Reprimand 26 May 2005 04/05
Failure to provide sample Barry Tawera Rugby League 1 year period of ineligibility from 18 November 2004 6 May 2005 12/04
Ephedrine Lawrence Erihe Rugby League 2 year period of ineligibility from 3 September 2004 4 Apr 2005 09/04
Cannabis Alex Mene Boxing Warning and Reprimand 7 Mar 2005 13/04
Cannabis Vince Whare Rugby League $250 fine and $250 costs in addition to Warning and Reprimand
17 Feb 2005 14/04
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