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2008 Anti-doping case results

Prohibited substance(s) or other violationAthleteSport Sanction or result Decision release date ST #
D-Methamphetamine, D-Amphetamine, Cannabis Duane Wineti Rugby League 2 year period of ineligibility for methamphetamine and amphetamine violations; concurrent 2 month period of ineligibility for cannabis violation 19 Dec 2008 14/08
Boldenone, Testosterone Rodney Newman Powerlifting 2 year period of ineligibility from 22 July 2008
5 Nov 2008 13/08
Cannabis Stacey Lambert Basketball 2 month period of ineligibility from 16 July 2008 16 Jul 2008 10/08
Cannabis Ted Hunia Touch 6 week period of ineligibility from 21 May 2008 21 May 2008 03/08
Cannabis Steve Robinson Basketball 6 week period of ineligibility form 24 April 2008 20 May 2008 05/08
Cannabis Nat Connell Basketball 6 week period of ineligibility from 24 April 2008 20 May 2008 04/08
Morphine Cindy Potae Softball Athlete proved no fault or negligence therefore no sanction imposed 27 Feb 2008 04/07
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