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2009 Non anti-doping case results

CaseType of Dispute Result Decision date ST #
Tim Curr v Motorcycling New Zealand Costs Application
Costs order sought by NSO
Costs application dismissed 14 Oct 2009 01/08
Brook Reeve v KartSport New ZealandAppeal against decision of NSO
Appeal against being judged second in race
Appeal dismissed12 Oct 200908/09
Brook Reeve v KartSport New ZealandAppeal against decision of NSO
Appeal dismissed
Tribunal ruled it had no jurisdiction to hear this matter
13 Aug 200909/09
Christopher Cox v KartSport New ZealandAppeal against decision of NSO
Disciplinary appeal
Appeal against decision that breached rules by overtaking after a yellow flag shown
Appeal upheld7 Aug 200916/08
Noel Curr v Motorcycling New ZealandCosts application
Costs order sought by NSO after appeal struck out for being out of time
Costs application dismissed26 Feb 200909/08
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