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2010 Anti-doping case results

Prohibited substance(s) or other violationAthlete SportSanction or result Decision release date ST #
Failure or refusal to provide sample Kyle Reuben Rugby League 2 year period of ineligibility from 8 October 2010
1 Dec 2010 20/10
Dimethlypentylamine 1-3 also known as Methylhexaneamine Rangimaria Brightwater-Wharf Powerlifting 6 month period of ineligibility from 27 July 2010
29 Nov 2010 14/10
T/E ratio > 4:1; Oxymesterone; Metabolites of Methandienone; Metabolites of Methyltestosterone; Metabolites of Oxymetholone; 19-norandrosterone Woodes Rogers Powerlifting 2 year period of ineligibility from 12 August 2010
11 Oct 2010 15/10
Attempted use and possession of prohibited substances - EPO, hCG and pregnyl solvent Adam Stewart Cycling 2 year period of ineligibility from 7 September 2010 8 Sep 2010 19/10
Cannabis Bruce Kake Touch 9 month period of ineligibility from 29 June 2010 30 Aug 2010 05/10
Cannabis Kavossy Franklin Basketball 2 year period of ineligibility from 23 June 2010
18 Aug 2010 10/10
Failure or refusal to provide sample Khalid Slaimanrel Powerlifting 21 month period of ineligibility from 22 June 2010 13 Aug 2010 06/10
CannabisCorey Webster Basketball2 month period of ineligibility from 23 June 2010 21 Jul 2010 09/10
Furosemide Dawn Chalmers Boxing3 month period of' ineligibility from 17 February 2010
11 Mar 2010 13/09
Cannabis Vince Whare Rugby League 10 year period of ineligibility from 20 October 2009
1 Mar 2010 11/09
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