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Drug Free Sport New Zealand v Brendon Keenan


Anti-doping – long distance runner (BK)– online purchase of Erythropoietin (EPO) from DRS Labs – intercepted by NZ Customs – referred to Medsafe for investigation – substance forfeited – referred to DFSNZ for possession and attempted use – provisionally suspended without opposition – admitted violation of Sports Anti-Doping Rules (SADR) 2017 – non specified substance – asked to be heard as to sanction – purchased EPO to address a medical condition – prior to hearing joint memorandum filed by parties – BK accepted conduct in breach of Code – subject to four-year period of ineligibility – period of commencement should be backdated given prompt admission and responsible cooperative behaviour – four year sanction backdated to commence from 7 September 2017 – Tribunal also ordered disqualification of BK’s results at the 2018 NZ Master Track Championships and NZ Marathon Championships, including any medals or prizes

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