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Drug Free Sport New Zealand v Darren Reiri


Anti-doping – attempted use and possession of Anastrozole – In May 2013 rugby league player (R) ordered prohibited substance Anastrozole over Internet from a website in India – package of tablets dispatched to him but intercepted by Customs and referred to Medsafe who sent a letter to R advising the package had been intercepted – R didn’t respond to the letter and in July 2013 re-ordered tablets from the website – second package also intercepted – Medsafe then referred matter to Drug Free Sport NZ – penalty is 2 years’ suspension but if R could establish how the substance came into his possession and that he didn’t intend to enhance his sports performance, he was eligible for a lesser penalty – whether R could show he didn’t intend to enhance sports performance – R said he had been playing less rugby league, concentrating more on working out in the gym and had decided to get bigger and more muscular – friend advised him to use Anastrozole and gave him the supplier’s details – R knew Anastrozole was supposed to enhance athletic performance but said bought it to use in the gym not to become a better rugby league player – said his sole aim was to use it for “cosmetic purposes” to get bigger and stronger and didn’t give a “second thought” to whether any improvements he could make in the gym would benefit his rugby league activities – Tribunal concluded R fell short of establishing he didn’t intend to enhance his sport performance – 2 years ineligibility imposed (commencing from 1 February 2014 to take account of substantial delay in referring matter to Tribunal).

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