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Drug Free Sport New Zealand v George Playle


Anti-doping – cannabis – athlete admitted violation – recreational use at party – Tribunal accepted corroborated evidence that cannabis use not intended to enhance sports performance – mitigating factors – athlete not originally selected for team and called up on short notice – athlete gave evidence that at time used cannabis he did not anticipate he would be playing and would not have used cannabis if had been selected – Tribunal accepted evidence that in hurried circumstances of athlete’s call up into the team he had received no, or limited, information on NSO’s anti-doping policy or his anti-doping obligations – however, cannabis is prohibited substance and athletes have an obligation to be aware of, and comply, with anti-doping rules – 6 week’s suspension appropriate in circumstances – Tribunal noted that cross code effect of suspension will prevent him playing rugby as well as Touch – 6 weeks’ ineligibility imposed (suspended up to and including 2 September 2009).

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