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Drug Free Sport New Zealand v Mitchell Frear


Anti-doping – ice hockey player (MF) admitted violation of Sports Anti-Doping Rules (SADR) 2014 rule 3.2 – Medsafe investigation into NZ Clenbuterol including online purchase of prohibited product by MF in 2014 – attempted use prohibited substance – provisionally suspended without opposition – admitted violation of SADR and asked to be heard as to sanction – SADR 14.2 sanction two year period of ineligibility – SADR 14.5.2 period reduced if MF could establish no significant fault or negligence – no reduction of two year period – no caution exercised or consideration of risks – strict obligations imposed under SADR – breach of high standards – 2014 SADR 14.9.1 and 14.9.2 – commencement back dated given delays not attributable to MF and timely admission and co-operation

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