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Drug Free Sport New Zealand v Taane Samuel

Anti-doping – basketball – recreational use in private social setting of Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) – substance of abuse – used two days before professional game – admitted violations and accepted immediate provisional suspension – parties agreed use not made in a sporting setting and not to enhance performance – prompt referral after notification of adverse analytical finding to general medical practioner for assessment – acceptance by DFSNZ that on-referral to specialist for further assessment and treatment would constitute an acceptable treatment plan – joint memorandum filed by parties proposing sanction of 1 month – decision made by Tribunal on papers  – Tribunal agreed that athlete eligible for reduced sanction applicable to substances of abuse under SADR 2021– Tribunal imposed one month sanction – athlete to communicate progress with and completion of treatment programme to DFSNZ – leave for DFSNZ to apply for 3 month amended sanction if drug treatment programme not completed to its satisfaction

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