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Drug Free Sport New Zealand v XYZ (Sanction)


Anti-doping – Medsafe investigation into NZ Clenbuterol – XYZ a member of local surf life saving and golf clubs – admitted possession and use of anabolic steroids clenbuterol and dianabol – non-specified substances prohibited at all times – no significant fault or negligence not established – Tribunal commented on utility and fairness of extending jurisdiction of the Sports Anti-Doping Rules to recreational athletes – Tribunal determined that XYZ should receive 6 months credit for delay in bringing the proceedings, and a further 6 months for timely admission – Tribunal imposed a 2 year period of ineligibility starting 3 October 2018 – accounting for the credits awarded, this means XYZ is ineligible to participate in sport until 3 October 2019 – continued name suppression imposed due to this being a test case on the application of SADR to recreational athletes.

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