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Liza Hunter-Galvan v Athletics New Zealand


Appeal against non-nomination for Olympics – marathon runner Liza Hunter-Galvan appealed her non nomination for the Olympics in the marathon event – in 2007 she ran in the Amsterdam marathon in a time more than two minutes faster than the New Zealand performance standard to qualify for Olympics which was a pointer to nomination – communications to athlete by Athletics NZ may have led her to expect she would be nominated – however selectors considered her past performances not sufficient to indicate she was at required standard to be nominated for Olympics – discussion of whether unfairness to athlete in that if she needed to do more to be nominated she did not know what that was – allegations of bias against selectors rejected – Tribunal concluded relevant nomination criteria had not been properly followed or implemented by selectors – selectors should have made further exploration into circumstances of races where she was said not to have performed well and further examination into her performance in hot conditions – relevance of serious motor accident suffered by athlete and family – Tribunal referred matter of nomination back to selectors for reconsideration

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