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Piera Hudson v Snow Sports New Zealand

Appeal against decision of NSO – non-nomination – PH appealed decision of Snow Sports New Zealand (SSNZ) not to nominate her to compete at the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games – urgent hearing held and decision advised same day with reasons to follow – urgency due to timing constraints impacting PH travel arrangements and event preparation if appeal successful – PH appealed SSNZ failure to properly follow and fairly implement nomination criteria including extenuating circumstances – SSNZ evaluation of performances was affected by bias – SSNZ said PH failed to satisfy criteria – assessment of her results and performances during qualification period failed to produce top 16 placing in key events – SSNZ reviewed additional information impacting her performances – ineligible to be nominated – Tribunal satisfied SSNZ decision reasonable and fair – SSNZ clear criteria framework – Tribunal dismissed appeal 

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