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Kane Radford v Swimming New Zealand

Overview: Appeal against decision of NSO - non-nomination – R appealed decision of Swimming New Zealand (SNZ) not to nominate him to compete in the…

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Charlotte Webby v Swimming New Zealand

Overview: Appeal against decision of NSO - non-nomination – W appealed decision of Swimming New Zealand (SNZ) not to nominate her to compete in the…

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Natalia Kosinska v Yachting New Zealand

Overview: Appeal against decision of NSO - non-nomination – Both W and K appealed decision of Yachting New Zealand (YNZ) to not nominate either to…

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Sara Winther v Yachting New Zealand

Overview: Appeal against decision of NSO - non-nomination – Both W and K appealed decision of Yachting New Zealand (YNZ) to not nominate either to…

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Kate Henderson v New Zealand Water Polo

Overview: Appeal against decision of NSO - non-selection - H appealed decision of New Zealand Water Polo (NZWP) to not select her for the NZ…

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Scott Wilson v New Zealand Shooting Federation (ST 05/15) and Paul Wilson v New Zealand Shooting Federation (ST 06/14) – Substantive Appeals

Overview: Appeal against decision of NSO – Scott Wilson and Paul Wilson lodged separate appeals against decisions of the New Zealand Shooting Federation (NZSF) not…

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